Kinderfeets 2-in-1 wooden balance bike & tricycle from 1 year Tiny Tot - Bamboo
The Kinderfeets Tiny Tot Bamboo is a 2-in-1 balance bike that can easily be converted from a tricycle to a two-wheeled balance bike! The balance bike is designed for "small toddlers" aged 12 to 24 months. It is the smallest 2-in-1 balance bike on the market with a seat height ranging from 21.5 cm to 28 cm and a weight capacity of 20 kilograms. Dimensions: 62 x 33 x 38 cm (L x W x H). The balance bike is handmade from FSC-certified bamboo, chosen for its fast-growing and renewable nature. For every Kinderfeets Tiny Tot Bamboo balance bike sold, a tree is planted in partnership with Trees for the Future!
Additional information
- Use of sustainable materials
- Adjustable seat height
- Wheels with ball bearings for extra riding comfort
- Handlebar lock, preventing the handlebar from fully rotating
- Wheels made of biodegradable plastic, better for the environment