Don't Wake Dad
Can you get to the refrigerator at night? Be careful, otherwise daddy will wake up! Place the plate in the center of the table and place Dad on the bed in the sleeping position. Now turn it on and hear it snoring. Each player chooses a color figure and the cards are shuffled and dealt out. On the board you see various events that could wake Dad up, such as plates falling or the cat being startled. You can see these events on the cards the players have been dealt. If you land on a space where you have the same event card, you are protected. If you don't have a protection card, you have to press the button next to Dad's bed the indicated number of times. Be careful, if Dad wakes up during your turn, you will be sent back to bed. The first to reach the refrigerator is the winner.
Additional information
- Exciting game for children
- Similar games: Snotty Snotter and Bello Bijt